Bitter Tuvè


Gradazione 25% Vol.
Formato 70cl
Bottiglie per cartone 6
Strati per pallet (80×120) min. 1 – max. 5
Cartoni per strato 18
Bottiglie per strato 108
Cod. Ean bottiglia 8051827902130
Cod. Ean cartone 18051827902137
Dimensione cartone – L x l x A (cm) 28.5 x 17.5 x 33
Peso complessivo cartone (kg) 9.06



A bitter obtained from a skilful infusion process in hydroalcoholic solution. The well balanced roots and officinal herbs, the aromatic plants and citrus fruits give the product a classic, round, harmonious taste with fruity and delicately bitter notes which make it unique in its kind.

It is clear, lively, with a classic carmine and shiny red. It shows some chromatic shades with complementary nuances ranging from blood red to coppery orange.

The predominant and unmistakable base note is due to the orange which is harmoniously interwoven with hints of flowers and aromatic plants, as well as amber and spicy notes.